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Red Deer, Alberta Canada
Artic Aviation Adventure 2016 - Gallery
The CARFF Club hosted it's annual New Years Fun Fly and Club Meeting at the club field on January 1, 2016. There was a great turn out and the weather, though colder in the morning, cooperated with clear skys and only -9° C in the afternoon. Vince Mulhall had the first flight of the year, followed by many eager pilots - then munchies and warm drinks and hanger flying for all. A big thank you goes out to Gail and Rob McKoy for the organization of the event, the hot dogs, and coffee. A good time was held by all in attendence.
Rob getting her started
Rob getting her started
Preparation in the warm club house
Preparation in the warm club house
Ski day
Ski day
Hard at work
Hard at work
Eraldo's Pitts Special
Eraldo's Pitts Special
Keep her warm Craig
Keep her warm Craig
Take-off on skis
Take-off on skis
Everyone had fun
Everyone had fun
Rob McKoy after a successful Flight
Rob McKoy after a successful Flight
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